After 1 year we put the face to the name, Marlee'J BILY welcome to your Fam"ily" Beautiful! We are hoping for an update shortly. In this picture she is 6months and weighing 11lbs WoWZA.. that's tiny considering that I gave birth to THREE boys that came close to that weight at BIRTH!
Her Birthday is January 9th 2014 that's 417days that she has been in this world and we cant wait until she spends the rest of her days with us!
Now we wait.... for LOA "Letter of Approval "from China to move on to the next step. We pray that God will keep you safe from all harm and fill your heart with #CrazYBiGLove
You are the PINK in our BLUE
She is too cute!! I like following blogs about China adoptions and found yours. Can't wait to read about your journey. Praying everything moves fast and smooth for you!!